Whitetail applies innovative methods to Environmental Planning projects and concepts. Our degreed scientists apply practical and cost-effective alternatives to projects involving most U.S. ecosystems. Our staff of biologists, environmental scientists, ecologists, and botanists have actively developed adaptive strategies that integrate all aspects of natural resource management in support of our clients' missions.
We have and are currently providing a wide range of services for environmental planning requirements related to real estate actions, military construction (MILCON), training actions, equipping actions, and federal actions. Our staff routinely integrates technology, social media, and other advances into our planning related projects and contracts including project websites and internal and external discussion forums, facilitating coordination and stakeholder involvement. Whitetail maintains a high awareness of stakeholder communication issues throughout the planning process, with the goal of developing and implementing regional, stakeholder-specific solutions with each project.
We offer the following planning-related services and expertise:
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Analysis
Natural Resources Management
Cultural Resources Management
Forestry Management
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Environmental Assessments
Environmental Impact Statements
Records of Environmental Consideration (RECs)
Environmental Condition of Property (ECOP) Management Support